Monday, April 27, 2009

Violence in our Society

The sad truth is that our society is violent and we can no longer hide the fact. From an early age our children are exposed to violence. It can either be from the parents or media or even school or books. A child walks into the room and sees that his father is beating up his mother every night. It goes on for years until final the child is a teen and has had enough of seeing his mother hurt. He takes a gun and shoots the man that is beating her up. The cycle is continued. In the media every night there is raves about a new movie that has come into the theatre. It is so violent and bloody, that it is disgusting, yet society accepts it. Those could be movies such as Crank or even James Bond. We as a society think nothing of it. We have become desensitized to the violence. We go out and purchase the newest games for our consoles. We are madly trying to blow up an imaginary character that is the enemy. Some of the games that are now out on the market are games like Halo and Splinter Cell. Some most tragic incident of human loss are the high school shooting that are now being broad cast. We see that a young man has been bullied so much that he wants to stop the violence that is being inflicted on him. He sees that the video games he is playing he has experience killing people, so why doesn't he just go one step further and kill the human. We saw this in the high school shooting at Columbine. The reality is that violence in our society. The only way that the violence will ever stop is if people become educated and say no to violent past times, such as movies and video games. The first step starts with us


  1. the shooters from columbine didn't shoot up the school because they were picked on and they didn't do it because they played video games either. The reality is that violence is built into your DNA and there isn't a thing you can do about it. your built to be violent either ignore it or accept it.
